Friday, December 30, 2011

Best WORST day ever. ;)

What better way to bring in the New Year than dinner and a movie with friends? (They are actually my co-workers, but I'd consider them good friends as well!) My boss, Staci, and two of my co-workers, Jodi and Lexi, invited me to go with them to Effingham, go out to eat, and watch "New Year's Eve" at the theater. How fun, RIGHT..?!?!

This afternoon we all met at CVS to head that direction together. We were dressed in our best and ready to go. And other than Jodi's car door almost getting knocked off by an old lady trying to maneuver through the crazy parking lot, it seemed like we were off to a great start! The trip there was so fun, talking and laughing the entire way. When we got there we had plenty of time before the movie started so we decided to shop around before eating.

When we finally get to dinner the place is pretty busy. Not packed, but busy. Not a problem... Still plenty of time before the movie starts, so we patiently find a booth and wait. About twenty minutes later we hear our names and are directed to a high-top in the bar. And so it begins.......

We climb into our chairs only to find that the legs haven't been completely screwed on. Okay, no problem. We will just have to sit really still. The waitress comes out and takes our drink orders and all is well. Jodi wants a Diet Pepsi, Lexi a Mt. Dew, Staci a mixed drink, and me a strawberry daiquiri............ Twenty minutes later we still don't have drinks and our waitress is missing. A different waitress stops by to check if our original waitress had taken our drink order and decides that she'll go ahead and take care of it. So we repeat our drink orders and waitress #2 goes on her way. In the meantime, waitress #1 comes back with our drinks... "Here's your Diet Pepsi and Mt. Dew. Okay, well they aren't carbonated... The machine is broke. So there isn't any carbonation in them." Without anymore explanation she disappears again. The machine is broke? Everybody else around us has fizzy drinks and the waitresses walking by are carrying carbonated drinks.... Even if the machine is broken couldn't you offer something else? Okay, whatever. Not a big deal. Fifteen minutes later Staci and I realize that we still don't have our drinks. We look over at the bar and there they sit. And sit. And sit. Probably for another ten minutes they sat there. Finally waitress #2 brings them over, giving each one to the wrong person.

"Are you guys ready to order?" We sure were! While she is away putting in our orders, waitress #1 comes back to explain that there was a mix-up in the table assignments and that she would no longer be our server. No worries. We kind of assumed that when the other girl brought our drinks and took our order. But, we were glad that she came back to tell us. A little while later our salads came out. Well, three of them did. All four of us ordered salads. So while they went back to fix another one Lexi waited patiently. Before long we were all set. Well, that is until Staci realized that we never got a basket of bread/rolls.

They bring the rolls out, two baskets actually, and then our food shows up. Everybody's but mine. Waitress #2 says, "Sorry. It will be right out." Not a big deal. I don't mind to wait a few minutes. Everybody is eating, I'm patiently waiting for my food to arrive, and the manager shows up. "We're really sorry. The order didn't get put it. It was completely our fault. It will be out shortly." Now I'm trying not to get frustrated. I don't mind to wait for food, but when the order just "didn't get put in" and nobody is offering to fix the issue I start to get agitated. For probably twenty-five or thirty minutes I sat and watched everybody else eat. Just as they are all finishing up their meals, mine comes out. Everybody was done eating. I had JUST got my plate. I'm a slow eater. It was getting close to movie time... UGH! Thankfully the food was really good and the manager gave me my meal for free. We couldn't help but laugh! Especially when all the tickets showed up and they were wrong, too!

Off to the movies we go! We get to the mall where the theater is located and decide to window shop. Staci suggests that we get the movie tickets first just to make sure they don't sell out. Jodi insists that there is no way the movie we wanted to see would sell out and we could just come back and buy them right before the movie starts. We agree. After a little bit of retail therapy we go back to get our tickets. Staci and I decide to stand in the ticket line while Jodi and Lexi get in the line to buy popcorn and drinks. "Four tickets for 'New Year's Eve' please." "I'm sorry... We're sold out." REALLY?! So we hop out of line to decide what movie we'll see now. "Four tickets for 'Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' please." We get our tickets and go to sit down just to find out that this movie lasts three hours. Staci's babysitter can't keep her kids until eleven o'clock, so that won't work! What to do?!

Just when we were about to give up and go home we decide to stay and watch Sherlock Holmes 2. I'm really glad we stayed to watch it because it was such a good movie. And although our night was crazy, it was quite possibly the best worst night ever. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Can't wait to do it again, girls!   :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas '11 and a New Year's Resolution

I can't believe how fast time flies! Christmas, and everything that goes along with it, has ALREADY come and gone. Derek and I had a wonderful time celebrating with our friends and family. We are so blessed to have so many people in our lives that truly care about us. We love you all!

Charlie Fox, my precious little nephew,
watching all the Christmas action.

Four of my favorite people in the entire world!
William, Lucy, Maddie, and Derek
(D looks more excited than the kids!)

We all got Toms for our gift from mom. So cute!

New Year's will be here in just a few short days. My only resolution for 2012 is to enjoy every single second of it. I have so much going on this upcoming year and so much to be thankful for. I don't want to take a single minute for granted! I'm going to enjoy my last semester of nursing school (YIPEE!), enjoy graduation in May, enjoy the RN boards/NCLEX exam this summer (yeah, right...), enjoy the rest of Derek and I's engagement, and enjoy wedding planning with my mom, sisters, and friends. Most of all I'm going to enjoy marrying my best friend this year. Even though I want to wring his cute little neck sometimes, I wouldn't change a single thing about him. He makes me laugh more than anybody else in this world. He can change my mood with just a hug. I couldn't ask for a better guy to spend the rest of my life with and I am SO excited to marry him. Love you, Derek Jo.  :)

I found this on Pinterest -- "Twenty-one Suggestions for Success." I think they apply to a successful New Year and I would like to suggest them to you. I hope to follow these rules more often this year:

1.) Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness (or misery).
2.) Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.
3.) Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4.) Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5.) Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6.) Be generous.
7.) Have a grateful heart.
8.) Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9.) Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10.) Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11.) Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12.) Commit yourself to quality.
13.) Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14.) Be loyal.
15.) Be honest.
16.) Be a self-starter.
17.) Be decisive, even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.
18.) Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19.) Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
20.) Take good care of those you love.
21.) Don't do anything that wouldn't make your mom proud.
-- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Let the fun begin.

I absolutely never dreamed that I would have a blog of my own, but here we are. Let the fun begin!  :)

A few weeks ago my life was pretty boring... Work, school, bib cards, study, shower, work, homework, dishes, study, pray, eat, sleep. Repeat. I occasionally even found time for laundry and facebook. ;)  And just when I thought things couldn't get any more hectic, my final for the semester had crept right up. I HAD to find time to study for it. Just HAD to. I have never struggled in school. I was always able to take tests without ever opening a single book. Nursing school, however, is a completely different story. This semester was especially hard for me and I definitely had to work for it. Sometimes I felt like I had studied until my brain turned to mush (sometimes I feel like I've gotten dumber since I started the nursing program)! Long story short, the hard work paid off and I passed! Thank the Good Lord it was finally time for Christmas break!

Thursday, December 15th didn't really seem any different to me. Just an average day. Derek's grandma had been in the hospital for the past couple days so he went see her and spend some time with his mom. I offered to go with him but he assured me that I didn't need to go. While he was gone I did laundry, got on facebook, wrapped the majority of the Christmas presents, anything to pass the time. The plan was to leave and get groceries as soon as he got home. So, I waited... and waited... and waited for him to get back. I was trying to be patient because I knew that his grandma needed him there more than I did. Just when I thought I couldn't wait anymore I heard the door open. Finally!

Without saying a word, he immediately grabbed me and gave me the longest hug. I thought, "Oh, no... Something bad has happened and I was rushing him home." I began to rub his back and try to console him, neither of us saying anything. After a few minutes he pulled back. To my surprise he had the cheesiest grin on his face that you could ever imagine. I think I could see every tooth in his head. Before I could figure out what was really going on he was down on one knee with a tiny white box. He said it was an early Christmas gift because "life is too short" and he "wants to spend the rest of his with me." Needless to say I couldn't believe it. After asking "What is going on?!" and "Are you serious?!" multiple times I said, "YES! Of course!"

I'll try and keep everyone updated on wedding plans. You can follow me on for my latest wedding ideas.  In the mean time, here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.   :)

Keep your focus on that BEAUTIFUL ring,
and ignore those dry, white hands...  ;)

I'm so impressed with Derek's taste in jewelry.
He did a wonderful job!

Merry Christmas!